Birmingham Liposuction
An Introduction to Liposuction
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure used to improve the contour of certain areas of the body by removing unwanted fat beneath the skin. As a rule, liposuction is performed under general anesthesia but, depending on the area, may be performed with IV sedation or local anesthesia.
Ideal Candidates and Concerns of Liposuction
Healthy men and women who have pockets of fat that do not respond to diet or exercise are good candidates for liposuction. The most common liposuction that we perform in our Birmingham office is the abdomen (particularly the “love handles”), the upper back, and the thighs. Liposuction is often used to improve the results of body contouring surgery.
Liposuction can also be used to remove excess fat around the jaw line or throat area, provided the skin is still very resilient—otherwise, once the fat is removed the skin will sag. In those cases, rather than performing liposuction alone, we would combine liposuction with a neck or face lift..
Liposuction at Eich Plastic Surgery
Dr. Eich performs liposuction in his onsite accredited plastic surgery suite in Birmingham. Although liposuction can sometimes be performed under local anesthetic, Dr. Eich prefers general anesthesia because it is usually the most comfortable for the patient.
Once the patient is asleep, the areas to be treated with liposuction are injected with a fluid that anesthetizes the area and decreases blood loss during the procedure. Small incisions are then made in the most unobtrusive manner possible, and the fat is removed by a cannula (a hollow, stainless steel rod with holes near one end through which the fat is extracted.)
Although many types of liposuction are advertised, including methods that use a laser or ultrasound to dissolve some of the fat, the fat is still removed by a cannula regardless of other technological additions to the procedure.
The procedure takes from 1 to 2 hours in total.
Recovery from Liposuction
Liposuction is generally a same-day procedure. Whether you live close by in Birmingham, or in an outlying area such as Anniston, Tuscaloosa or Gadsden, you will need someone to drive you home after the surgery.
After your liposuction procedure, you will have some bruising and swelling in the areas which have been treated. Most of the bruising and swelling will decrease over the first two weeks after the procedure, but it can take up to six months to fully realize the complete outcome of the surgery.
You will be required to wear a compression garment for 4-6 weeks except when showering. You must avoid exercise or heavy activity for 4 weeks, after which time most patients are able to resume their normal activities.